Learn about latest city research insights, trends and advice for those in charge of city marketing and city brand management.
Gene DePrez on Economic Development, Place Branding and Competitive City Regions
Gene DePrez of Global Innovation Partners in this interview discusses the role of place branding in economic development and why it is crucial for the competitive positioning of city-regions.
Frans van der Avert on Amsterdam City Marketing and Destination Branding
Frans van der Avert, CEO of Amsterdam Marketing, on city marketing, branding and how the popular destination deals with issues such as tourism overcrowding.
Events as City Branding Opportunity: 4 Things Small Cities Need to Avoid
Can events support the city branding of small cities? Yes, argues Christian Dragin-Jensen, if city officials manage to avoid four common pitfalls. With examples from Denmark.
Dominic Medway on City Marketing and the Future of Town Centres in the UK
Dominic Medway of Manchester Business School discusses the role of city marketing and place branding in the repositioning of town centres in the UK.
Which Are the Best Cities in America to Live, Work and Study in 2017?
Which are the best cities in America to live, work and study in 2017? Chris Fair of Resonance Consultancy summarizes key findings in the Best Cities Report.
Cities of Influence: Talent Attraction Winners and Priorities in Europe
Roger Hobkinson of Colliers International discusses European cities, talent attraction leaders and the priorities for city developers and brand managers.