Costa Rica
On New Zealand and Costa Rica – Place Brand Leaders Podcast Ep. 7
New Zealand, Costa Rica and the new book An Insider's Guide to Place Branding are the focus of this seventh episode of the Place Brand Leaders podcast.
Daniel Valverde on Costa Rica’s Country Branding Strategy
Daniel Valverde Bagnarello on Costa Rica's country branding strategy and how the nation is successfully linking its brand proposition with values of sustainability and climate emergency mitigation.
Daniel Valverde Bagnarello on How Essential Costa Rica Became a Country Branding Success Story
Daniel Valverde Bagnarello in this interview discusses the strategy behind award-winning country brand Essential Costa Rica and shares how country branding "the Costa Rican way" has become a success story and example to follow.
Country Brand Report Latin America: 2017 Reputation Winners, Losers and Trends
Gustavo Konisczcer of FutureBrand LATAM presents the highlights of the Country Brand Report Latin America 2017: reputation winners, losers and trends.
Current State of Place Branding Practice in Latin America
Leading place brand developers, managers and marketers share their opinion on the current state of place branding practice in Latin America.
Destination Check: Current State of Tourism Sustainability in Costa Rica
Glenn Jampol shares his thoughts on the current state of tourism sustainability in Costa Rica, a leading destination for ecotourism and responsible tourism experiences.