country brands
Learn about latest country brand insights, country image and reputation rankings – trends and analysis for country brand managers. You might also be interested in our articles on country branding and our overview of place brand rankings and indices.
The Changing Face of Post-Coup Turkey
Samantha North reflects on the changing face of post-coup Turkey, and how recent developments in the country have impacted its image abroad.
Jose Filipe Torres on the Branding and Digital Reputation of Countries, Regions and Cities
Jose Filipe Torres in this interview discusses the growing importance of the branding and digital reputation of cities, regions and countries.
BREXIT: Consequences for UK Country Image, Nation Brand and Europe
Brexit and its consequences: World's leading experts in country image and nation brands on what Brexit means for the United Kingdom and Europe.
Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index and the Global Vote
Simon Anholt on his latest projects, the Global Vote and the Good Country Index, whose second version was published last week. In the interview Simon Anholt reflects on trends and the challenges of measuring how good - or bad - countries are for the global community.
Ali Fisher on Big Data, Networks, Public Diplomacy and Country Image
Ali Fisher, Principal Data Scientist at VORTEX (University of Vienna) and CPD Research Fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (University of Southern California), about big data, new networks and the resulting opportunities - and challenges - for public diplomacy professionals.
Some Thoughts on Country Brand and Reputation of France
Place marketing expert Christophe Alaux shares his thoughts on the country brand of France France, which he sees threatened by complacency.