Denmark: Country brand insights and thoughts on the Danish nation brand, Denmark’s country branding, reputation and positioning as country-of-origin.
Jan Gehl on How To Make Cities More Liveable and Sustainable
Jan Gehl reflects on his long career as architect and urban design consultant and shares his thoughts how to make cities more liveable and sustainable: success factors and challenges ahead.
Nordic Place Branding Conference, Copenhagen March 2018: Highlights
Summary of the Nordic Place Branding conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2018, covering topics such as talent attraction strategies, brand management and destination marketing ideas.
Tobias Grut on The Nordics Region Branding Challenges and Benefits
Tobias Grut, Project Manager of Branding the Nordic Region, on how The Nordics as region brand is helping Nordic countries gain traction internationally, the challenges of region branding and which major trends will influence the work of place branding professionals in 2018.
Louise Juhl of Copenhagen Capacity on Talent Attraction Strategies, the Role of Empathy and Collaboration
Louise Juhl in this interview tells us how Copenhagen Capacity helps the Greater Copenhagen region attract international talent, business and investment. She also discusses the challenges involved in cross-border region branding, and why sustainability is a key part of Copenhagen's city brand success.
Nikolaj Lubanski of Copenhagen Capacity on Talent Attraction: Strategies, Trends and Challenges
Nikolaj Lubanski of Copenhagen Capacity about talent attraction strategies, trends and challenges.
World Happiness Report 2017: In Which Countries Live World’s Happiest People?
According to the World Happiness Report 2017, people in Norway feel the happiest, closely followed by Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland.