Destination Branding

Brian Mullis on How Guyana Promotes Sustainable Tourism Through Innovative Destination Marketing and Management

Brian T. Mullis in this interview shares how the South American country Guyana approaches sustainable destination development by focusing on community-based tourism and value over volume in its destination marketing.

Guðrið Højgaard on How the Faroe Islands Use Smart Destination Marketing for Sustainable Tourism Management

Guðrið Højgaard in this interview illustrates how the Faroe Islands are using innovative destination marketing and place branding to promote responsible tourism and the sustainable development of the North Atlantic archipelago.

Destination Sustainability: What DMOs Can Do to Make Their City or Region More Sustainable

What Destination Marketing and Management Organizations (DMOs) can do right away to make their destination more sustainable - useful advice from the panel of sustainable tourism specialists, which we convene together with the Sustainability Leaders Project.

How Tourism Advertising Impacts Destination Image and Country Reputation: Example Bangladesh

How can tourism advertising be used in destination branding and to impact perceptions and reputation of countries? Here key insights from a recent study on the case of Bangladesh.

Destination Branding Impact Stories, Success Strategies and Expert Insights

Destination branding is en vogue, as travel and tourism are facing challenges not easy to solve with marketing strategies alone. But what does it mean, what does it stand for? Answers to those and similar questions here.

Bill Geist on the Future of Destination Marketing and the Next Generation of DMOs

Bill Geist of DMOproz in this interview looks at the future of destination marketing and shares his thoughts on what the next generation of DMOs will (have to) look like, to succeed.
