Economic Development

Not Just About Money: How Cities Become Leaders in Talent Attraction

Svetlana Masjutina shares her thoughts and provides examples of how cities can become leaders in talent attraction and retention, especially catering to the needs of the millennial workforce. Case studies include Houston, Nashville, Montreal.

India: From Nation Branding to State Branding and Competitive Federalism

India nation brand expert Aparna Sharma discusses how Indian states have begun to develop their own brands and to position themselves internationally as business hubs, leading to representations of state and nation next to each other at important events, such as Davos.

Ron Kitchens of Southwest Michigan First on Economic Development and Place Branding

Interview with Ron Kitchens of SouthWest Michigan First, on economic development, the future of U.S. cities, and his passion for people and leadership.

Jeff Finkle on Economic Development Practices in the USA

Jeff Finkle, President and CEO of the International Economic Development Council, on the economic development profession, challenges and trends.

Why Economic Development Profession Needs to Reinvent Its Role to Stay Relevant

Ed Burghard of Strengthening Brand America on why economic development professionals and EDOs need to reinvent themselves to stay relevant.

Ed Burghard on Brand USA and Strengthening Brand America

Ed Burghard (USA) on place branding, Strengthening Brand America, and how economic development professionals can serve the American Dream.
