Europe as region and continent is by far the most active with regard to place branding. Learn about latest research insights, analysis and trends linked to the image, reputation and branding of Europe: the development, management and brand positioning of the European continent and Europe as region.
Juan Carlos Belloso on City Branding and the Case of Barcelona
Juan Carlos Belloso discusses city branding, Brand Barcelona and why good leadership is crucial for place branding success.
Robert Govers on Place Branding Theory and Practice
Learn about the past and future of place branding theory and practice in this interview with city, country reputation scholar and advisor Robert Govers.
Malcolm Allan on City Branding and Placemaking in Great Britain
Place branding expert Malcolm Allan of Place Matters in the UK in this interview shares his experience and thoughts on city development and destination branding.
Atlantic City Branding – AT Brand Project Fosters Collaboration
Guest post by Robert Hughes, responsible for Atlantic Brand and Dublin City Brand Projects, on integrated City Branding and collaboration across countries.
City Branding Case Study: How Branding Strategy Helped Improve Downtown Dublin
Case study by Niall Corcoran of Creative Inc on the city branding of Dublin, Ireland. Good example for branding as strategy for inner city development.
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko on City Branding as Strategic Management Tool for Local Governments
Finnish researcher and academic Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko in this interview discusses his most recent book "The Political Economy of City Branding" (Routledge).