place brand theory
The purpose of our collection of posts linked to place brand theory is to help you understand key concepts relevant for place brand professionals, such as economic development, placemaking or public diplomacy. If there is any specific concept you’d like us to look into, please feel free to email us.
Place Brand Architecture: What Does It Mean and How to Use It?
Place brand architecture explained: its meaning, benefits, function and limitations, according to our international panel of place brand experts.
My Key Takeaways from the Doctoral Colloquium of the International Place Branding Association Conference in Swansea, December 2017
Shalini Bisani shares her key takeaways from the doctoral colloquium of the International Place Branding Association conference which took place in Swansea, Wales, early December 2017.
Business Improvement Districts Explained: What BIDs Mean And Why They Matter
Business Improvement District (BID): Learn about what BIDs are, how they work and why they matter.
Public Diplomacy Reading List for Students and Researchers
Public diplomacy reading list for students and researchers, compiled by Professor Oliver Zöllner of Stuttgart Media University. Introductions, theory development and case studies from around the world.
Nation Branding Reading List for Students and Researchers
Nation branding reading list for students and researchers, compiled by Professor Oliver Zöllner of Stuttgart Media University. Introductions, theory development and case studies from around the world.
Why Not to Confuse Place Branding and Place Marketing
Place branding and place marketing: where's the difference? Place reputation expert Robert Govers has answers - and illustrates how both can benefit cities, regions, countries.