Place Branding

How Covid-19 Will Change Place Branding Priorities for Cities and Countries

How the branding of cities and countries after Covid-19 will differ from before the pandemic: expert panel outlines new place branding priorities and strategies.

Emma Björner on Sustainable Tourism and Place Branding

Emma Björner shares her insights on city branding practices in China and how to involve relevant stakeholders meaningfully into place branding and sustainable tourism initiatives.

Moa Björnson on How to Attract Talent to a Remote Archipelago: Example Træna in Norway

Moa Björnson shares how the archipelago of Træna in Norway is attracting entrepreneurs and talent - and a good deal of attention - through its innovative place branding initiatives.

Themba Khumalo on South Africa’s Destination Marketing Strategy and Response to the Corona Crisis

Themba Khumalo on South African Tourism's approach to destination marketing and how it addresses the coronavirus crisis.

Why Climate Resilience Is Now Key for Place Branding Success: Malcolm Allan

Why are climate resilience and sustainability now key factors for place branding success? Malcolm Allan explains in this episode of the Adapt Inc. places podcast by Aleks Vladimirov.

Conceptual Clarity on the Difference Between Place Promotion, Marketing and Branding: Martin Boisen

What's the difference between place promotion, marketing and branding? Martin Boisen explains in this episode of the Adapt Inc. places podcast by Aleks Vladimirov.
