Place Branding
Which Are the Main Place Branding Challenges and Trends in 2019?
Expert views on the key challenges and trends most relevant for place branding professionals to watch out for in 2019.
Peter Frosch of Greater MSP on Regional Economic Development Challenges, Strategies and Trends
Peter Frosch, CEO of Greater MSP, the Minneapolis Saint Paul Regional Economic Development Partnership, in this interview takes us on a tour around this booming metropolitan region in the United States: its economic development strengths, challenges and strategies.
Brand Barcelona: New Book on Creating a City Identity
Barcelona as brand and the creation of its identity as community - the focus of a new book by Chelo Morillo, a marketing and...
Joao Ministro on Algarve Regional Development, Branding and Sustainability
Joao Ministro in this interview tells us about the rural development of the Algarve, the current state of its sustainability as destination, and what needs to be done to keep it attractive and competitive as place to live - especially the rural, inland areas.
Place Branding Agenda 2019: Key Trends and Challenges
Eight trends and challenges in place branding which will dominate the agenda of City Nation Place events in 2019 - based on feedback given by practitioners involved with placemaking, tourism promotion, economic development, nation branding, regional development and city marketing.
How to Finance Place Branding Initiatives? Strategies and Examples
How to finance place branding strategies, initiatives, organizations? A question every city, destination or country branding professional has to tackle. We've put it to our panel of place brand specialists. Here's what they suggest.