
How Many Place Branding Projects Fail, And Why? Expert Panel Answers

How to determine the failure rate of place branding projects and their root causes? Our panel of place brand specialists provides answers.

Bruno Marti on How to Brand a Hotel: Example 25hours

How to brand a hotel? How to use smart design and create unique experiences for that special identity and brand which conscious guests can identify with? Bruno Marti tells us how 25hours Hotels do it.

Talent Attraction: How the International Citizen Hub Lund Helps to Attract Talent to Southern Sweden

Lisa Andersson in this interview introduces us to the work of the International Citizen Hub Lund, a leading talent attraction and retention initiative in southern Sweden. Learn how they do it, which challenges they face, and how they overcome those.

How Does Social Media Affect Place Brands? Opportunities and Risks

How do social media affect the brand of a country, city or destination? Most of us use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & co. but not...

Place Branding Agenda 2019: Key Trends and Challenges

Eight trends and challenges in place branding which will dominate the agenda of City Nation Place events in 2019 - based on feedback given by practitioners involved with placemaking, tourism promotion, economic development, nation branding, regional development and city marketing.

New Working Environments: How Cities Compete for Mobile Talent

How Generation Y is changing requirements for work environments, and how cities have to adapt to remain attractive and competitive for increasingly mobile talent. Guest post by Bernhard Klein of IMMOFINANZ.
