
Eva Jilkén on How to Attract Talent to the Countryside: Example Landsbyggare in Sweden

Eva Jilkén shares how the concept of Landsbygarre has helped the scenic countryside of the High Coast of Sweden to attract talent and driven entrepreneurs ready to enjoy a laid-back lifestyle close to nature.

What Is It Like to Be a Digital Nomad or E-Ployee?

Julian Stubbs in this guest post looks at the differences between digital nomad and e-ployee and the benefits of working as an e-ployee.

What’s It Like Being a Digital Nomad in Stockholm, Sweden?

How good is Stockholm for digital nomads and e-ployees? Stockholm resident and globetrotter Julian Stubbs looks at the pros and cons of living in Sweden's capital.

Cecilia Cassinger on Place Branding, Strategic Communication and Urban Sustainability

Cecilia Cassinger of Lund University in Sweden in this interview discusses place branding as a strategic communication practice, its social implications and potential to support urban sustainability.

Talent Attraction: How the International Citizen Hub Lund Helps to Attract Talent to Southern Sweden

Lisa Andersson in this interview introduces us to the work of the International Citizen Hub Lund, a leading talent attraction and retention initiative in southern Sweden. Learn how they do it, which challenges they face, and how they overcome those.

Andrea Lucarelli on the Politics of Place Branding, Research Trends and the Role of Social Media

Andrea Lucarelli of Lund University in Sweden, in this interview discusses his research into the political dimension of place branding, latest research trends and the role of social media.
