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Guy Bigwood MCI

Guy Bigwood on MICE, Place Marketing and Sustainability

Sustainability expert Guy Bigwood (MCI) discusses the role of sustainability as competitiveness factor for MICE destinations, and introduces the Global Destination Sustainability Index.
Why social media buzz cannot replace place branding

Why Social Media Buzz Cannot Replace Place Branding

Back in 2013, Robert Govers published an interesting blog post on the now inactive Placebrandz website, in which he reflected on an exchange of ideas and arguments regarding social media and place branding that followed a conference. The post offered valuable insights, well worth sharing.

Richard Florida on Creative Cities and Economic Development

City brands and the making, management and communication of a city's strongest assets in the eyes of potential residents, visitors, investors and students, has been a key occupation of economic development professionals all over the world. Richard Florida explains why the Creative Classes are so important in achieving city strength and a competitive position.

City Branding: To Flag or Not to Flag?

To flag or not to flag? Amelia Green investigates how city flags are used for place branding in cities such as Chicago (USA) and Gold Coast, Australia.
Media representations Brazil country image

Brazil, Olympics, Media Representation: Wild Like the Jungle?

Brazil place brand expert Caio Esteves reflects on stereotypical media representations, the country image of Brazil and the country's unconsolidated national identity.
Caio Esteves Place Brand consultant Brazil

Caio Esteves on Place Branding in Brazil and Latin America

Caio Esteves introduces us to place branding in Brazil and explains how his MBA program integrates different disciplines and approaches. He also reveals which place branding examples in Latin America inspire his work and why the brand and reputation of Brazil has not been able to benefit as much as it could from the nation's global exposure linked to the Soccer World Cup and the Olympic games.