Insights & Advice

Country Branding: What It Is and How It Works

Country branding can transform global perceptions of countries, can boost national pride, and support export of products and services. Find out how in our articles, case studies and interviews with specialists in country reputation and nation brand rankings.

City Branding: What It Is and How It Works

City branding is on the rise. But why does it matter and how does it work? Find out by browsing through our collection of latest insights, strategies and advice for city branding professionals, economic development pros and talent attraction specialists.

Placemaking: What It Is and How It Works

Placemaking: what is it all about? How do you do it and why? What role does placemaking play for place branding, talent attraction or economic development? Here's what experts think about the topic.

Talent Attraction: What It Is and How It Works

Talent attraction: how to attract world's smart and creative, specialists and high potentials to your city or region, and how to make sure they stay and contribute to your place's economic development, attractiveness and competitiveness.

Place Branding Research Priorities 2019: Key Questions and Knowledge Gaps

Which are the place branding research priorities in 2019? Which questions and topics should researchers address? Our panel of place brand specialists has answers.

How Does Social Media Affect Place Brands? Opportunities and Risks

How do social media affect the brand of a country, city or destination? Most of us use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & co. but not...

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