brand positioning
Brand positioning strategies and examples are of key interest to every place brand manager, city marketer or destination branding professional. Here’s some food for thought on the successful brand positioning of cities, countries, nations, destinations.
How to Change a Destination Name: Case Study Lane County, Oregon (USA)
Case study on how to change a destination name: from Lane County to Eugene, Cascades & Coast - by city branding expert Bill Baker, Oregon (USA).
Hila Oren on Placemaking, City Branding and the Reputation of Tel Aviv
Hila Oren, Founder and CEO of Tel Aviv Global, on city branding strategies and Tel Aviv's brand positioning as a global city of innovation.
7 Success Factors for Effective Place Brand Partnerships
Guest post by Barcelona branding expert Juan Carlos Belloso on how to create + maintain effective place brand partnerships - success factors and principles.
Destination Managers: How to Create a Meaningful Visitor Experience
Guest post by Erik van t' Klooster on how to create meaningful visitor experiences at destinations. Good tips for destination marketing professionals.