city brand
Latest city brand insights, trends, analysis and expert advice on city brand image, reputation, brand strategy and management of cities and urban centers.
How the German City of Bielefeld Used Participatory City Branding Strategies for its Rebranding
Learn how the German city of Bielefeld used participatory city branding strategies for its rebranding and for building a strong city brand which allows it to connect residents with businesses and visitors.
Top 5 City Branding Case Studies and Examples To Learn From: How They Do It
Here's our top five of city branding case studies and examples published by The Place Brand Observer so far. City branding strategies to learn from.
8 City Marketing Trends and Developments to Watch
City marketing practice is undergoing significant changes. Here eight trends in 2017, as suggested in the book titled Städte als Marken: Herausforderungen und Horizonte (Cities as Brands: Challenges and Perspectives).
Greg Clark on City Branding and Urban Development
Greg Clark CBE in this interview discusses city branding and urban development trends, challenges and opportunities, with examples from around the world.
Günter Soydanbay on How to Succeed in City Branding, with Lessons from Turkey
Günter Soydanbay in this interview discusses city branding challenges and approaches, and shares valuable insights from his work with cities such as Izmir and Gaziantep in Turkey.
Peter Pirck on City Branding Practices and Trends in Germany
Peter Pirck of German consultancy Brandmeyer Markenberatung reflects on city branding trends in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and discusses ways to measure the economic impact and success of place branding initiatives.