City Branding
City branding can be complex, messy and quite a challenge, but in a globalized, ultra-connected world it is also becoming increasingly important. The following articles offer expert insights, case studies and essential information for city branding professionals and researchers, including thoughts on city image and reputation rankings.
City Branding Challenges: 4 Lessons from Hamburg, Germany
Sebastian Zenker discusses four city branding challenges and the lessons learned during his work with the city of Hamburg in northern Germany, Europe.
Charles Landry on City Brands, Creative Cities and the Urban Age
Charles Landry in this interview reflects on the challenges and opportunities of the Creative City, the Urban Age, and the role of city branding.
Ben Knapp of Saffron Consultants on Placemaking and Place Branding
Ben Knapp of Saffron Brand Consultants discusses nation branding challenges and the importance of placemaking and asset creation, rather than 'merely' promoting cities or countries.
When Public Diplomacy Meets City Branding: The Case of The Hague, Netherlands
What happens when public diplomacy meets city branding? Ingrid de Beer and Arthur van Buitenen reflect on the success of The Hague in the Netherlands and its Peace and Justice Project.
4 Place Branding Examples to Inspire Economic Development Professionals
Economic development is the objective of many place branding initiatives. Here four examples of city branding strategies to inspire economic developers.
Why Successful Placemaking Needs A Meaningful Brand, Not A Mere Logo
Placemaking specialist Andrew Hoyne on why successful place development needs a meaningful brand and not a mere logo, with case studies from Australia.