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City Branding

Maria Cristina Paganoni on City Branding and New Media

Researcher and academic Maria Cristina Paganoni on how new media is used in city branding, with examples from the UK and Italy.

Juan Carlos Belloso on City Branding and the Case of Barcelona

Juan Carlos Belloso discusses city branding, Brand Barcelona and why good leadership is crucial for place branding success.

Rebranding Barcelona as City for Business, Talent and Innovation: City Branding Case Study

City branding expert Juan Carlos Belloso in this case study reflects on Brand Barcelona and its rebranding as city of talent, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Atlantic City Branding – AT Brand Project Fosters Collaboration

Guest post by Robert Hughes, responsible for Atlantic Brand and Dublin City Brand Projects, on integrated City Branding and collaboration across countries.

Bill Baker on Destination Branding for Small Cities

Place branding expert Bill Baker on his bestselling book, Destination Branding for Small Cities, plus exclusive insights into his work.

City Branding Case Study: How Branding Strategy Helped Improve Downtown Dublin

Case study by Niall Corcoran of Creative Inc on the city branding of Dublin, Ireland. Good example for branding as strategy for inner city development.
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