City Branding
City branding can be complex, messy and quite a challenge, but in a globalized, ultra-connected world it is also becoming increasingly important. The following articles offer expert insights, case studies and essential information for city branding professionals and researchers, including thoughts on city image and reputation rankings.
Michael Edwards on How the Loop Alliance Supports Placemaking and Economic Development in Downtown Chicago
Michael Edwards in this interview shares how the Chicago Loop Alliance is strengthening and promoting placemaking and economic development in downtown Chicago.
Erling Fossen on Oslo, Building City Brand Reputation and Sustainable Urban Development
Erling Fossen, CEO of Oslo Metropolitan Area, in this interview illustrates how Oslo, Norway's dynamic capital, has built itself a strong city brand reputation while at the same time focusing on sustainable urban development.
City Branding: Which Factors Are The Most Crucial For Your City Brand?
Which factors are the most crucial for a successful city brand? Our panel of place branding experts has answers.
Anna Gissler on How Stockholm Business Region Leads in Talent Attraction
In this interview Anna Gissler, Acting CEO of Stockholm Business Region (with the two subsidiaries Visit Stockholm and Invest Stockholm) shares her thoughts on success factors, challenges and trends in city branding - which, as she says, really isn't about logos or slogans.
Mia Kemppaala, Founder of Polar Bear Pitching in Oulu, Finland
Mia Kemppaala, founder of Polar Bear Pitching in the city of Oulu in Finland's north, tells us how the event came all about, why Polar Bear Pitching has become so important for the city and why it is important to sometimes take a jump into the cold water, embracing the unknown.
Which Are the Main Place Branding Challenges and Trends in 2019?
Expert views on the key challenges and trends most relevant for place branding professionals to watch out for in 2019.