Country Branding

Marcus Osborne on Country Brands and Nation Branding in Asia

Marcus Osborne, brand consultant based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in this interview discusses nation branding challenges in Asia, Brand Malaysia and the power of the country-of-origin effect.

Nicolas Papadopoulos on Country Image Research and Nation Branding Trends

Nicolas Papadopoulos, Chancellor's Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, in this interview discusses country image research in America and nation branding challenges and trends.

Country Brands in Latin America – Trends, Challenges, Opportunities

Country branding expert Gustavo Koniszczer of FutureBrand consultancy reflects on country brands in Latin America - trends, changes, challenges.

Gustavo Koniszczer on Country Branding in Latin America

Country branding expert Gustavo Koniszczer of FutureBrand reflects on country brands in Latin America: place brand development, trends and challenges.

Commonalities in the Management of Country Brands in Latin America

Lina Maria Echeverri, Director Observatory for Country Image (Observatorio de Marca e Imagen País) in Bogotá, Colombia, on country brands in Latin America.

Place Branding Country Profile Switzerland – Renaud Vuignier

Overview of country branding and reputation of Switzerland by Renaud Vuignier: Swiss place branding strenghts, weaknesses and recent political developments.
