
Gert-Jan Hospers on Urban and Regional Development and Place Marketing

Geography Professor Gert-Jan Hospers of the Netherlands discusses the challenges of marketing former industrial cities and using place branding to beat demographic shrinkage.

How the Town of Shrewsbury (Re)Discovered Charles Darwin as City Branding Opportunity

Guest post by Aleks Vladimirov on how Shrewsbury in England (re)discovered Charles Darwin as city branding opportunity, and how it uses its credentials as birthplace of Darwin to bring new life to the town.

Frans van der Avert on Amsterdam City Marketing and Destination Branding

Frans van der Avert, CEO of Amsterdam Marketing, on city marketing, branding and how the popular destination deals with issues such as tourism overcrowding.

Future of DMOs: Why and How City Destination Marketing Organizations Should Reinvent Themselves

How city destination marketing organizations (DMOs) reinvent themselves, and why, is the focus of this guest post by Peter Jordan of Toposophy consultancy.

Conny Moonen of Connect Limburg on Cross-Border Regional Branding in Europe

Conny Moonen, Head of Connect Limburg, the Dutch region's place brand management organization, discusses regional branding challenges, opportunities and trends.

Dominic Medway on City Marketing and the Future of Town Centres in the UK

Dominic Medway of Manchester Business School discusses the role of city marketing and place branding in the repositioning of town centres in the UK.
