Marketing places such as cities, regions, destinations or countries is a common practice, although increasingly difficult due to our global connectedness and the influence of social media. Read below articles for insights, thoughts and examples linked to place marketing. Essential information for city marketers and those working with destination marketing organizations.
David Gertner, Pace University, on Strategic Place Marketing
Pace University Associate Professor David Gertner in this interview discusses strategic place marketing, place branding research and its challenges and opportunities.
Nicolas Papadopoulos on Country Image Research and Nation Branding Trends
Nicolas Papadopoulos, Chancellor's Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, in this interview discusses country image research in America and nation branding challenges and trends.
Marketing Places: Cities, States and Nations
A short review and summary of Marketing Places book by Philip Kotler, Donald Haider, Irving Rein, first published in 1993, and in a revised edition in 2002.
Philip Kotler on Place Marketing, Branding and Why We Need to Rethink Capitalism
Professor Philip Kotler in this interview discusses place marketing, his latest book on how to fix capitalism and why he likes Simon Anholt's Good Country Index.
Thoughts on 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto
Spot on: 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto by Best Place Institute & leading place branding scholars and experts: definitions, concepts, goals.
Destination Managers: How to Create a Meaningful Visitor Experience
Guest post by Erik van t' Klooster on how to create meaningful visitor experiences at destinations. Good tips for destination marketing professionals.