Placemaking is an integral part of place branding in that it provides the substance which can later be manged and communicated as place brand. Learn about latest research insights, expert advice. Reflections by and for place planners and development professionals.
Hong Fan on City Branding in China, Image Research and Public Diplomacy
Hong Fan, professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing and Director of the National Image Research Center, in this interviews shares her research insights into city branding in China and her observations on what works and what doesn’t in place branding, in the Chinese context.
Brian Mullis on How Guyana Promotes Sustainable Tourism Through Innovative Destination Marketing and Management
Brian T. Mullis in this interview shares how the South American country Guyana approaches sustainable destination development by focusing on community-based tourism and value over volume in its destination marketing.
Jan Gehl on How To Make Cities More Liveable and Sustainable
Jan Gehl reflects on his long career as architect and urban design consultant and shares his thoughts how to make cities more liveable and sustainable: success factors and challenges ahead.
Placemaking: What It Is and How It Works
Placemaking: what is it all about? How do you do it and why? What role does placemaking play for place branding, talent attraction or economic development? Here's what experts think about the topic.
Michael Edwards on How the Loop Alliance Supports Placemaking and Economic Development in Downtown Chicago
Michael Edwards in this interview shares how the Chicago Loop Alliance is strengthening and promoting placemaking and economic development in downtown Chicago.
Erling Fossen on Oslo, Building City Brand Reputation and Sustainable Urban Development
Erling Fossen, CEO of Oslo Metropolitan Area, in this interview illustrates how Oslo, Norway's dynamic capital, has built itself a strong city brand reputation while at the same time focusing on sustainable urban development.