Regional Branding
Regional branding and inter-regional place brand initiatives are becoming increasingly popular. Here are latest research insights and examples of regional branding that foster collaboration and regional economic development.
Olle Zetterberg on Stockholm Business Region Marketing and Branding
Olle Zetterberg in this interview discusses the challenges and sucesses of branding the Stockholm Business Region, talent attraction and city marketing trends - and pitfalls to avoid.
Louise Juhl of Copenhagen Capacity on Talent Attraction Strategies, the Role of Empathy and Collaboration
Louise Juhl in this interview tells us how Copenhagen Capacity helps the Greater Copenhagen region attract international talent, business and investment. She also discusses the challenges involved in cross-border region branding, and why sustainability is a key part of Copenhagen's city brand success.
Northamptonshire: Example of a County and Destination in Need of Strategic Place Brand Management
Shalini Bisani discusses the state of Northamptonshire, image and identity, and why the county needs a strategic approach to regional brand development and destination management.
Gert-Jan Hospers on Urban and Regional Development and Place Marketing
Geography Professor Gert-Jan Hospers of the Netherlands discusses the challenges of marketing former industrial cities and using place branding to beat demographic shrinkage.
Conny Moonen of Connect Limburg on Cross-Border Regional Branding in Europe
Conny Moonen, Head of Connect Limburg, the Dutch region's place brand management organization, discusses regional branding challenges, opportunities and trends.
Björn P. Jacobsen on Inter-Regional and Cross-Border Place Branding in Europe
Björn P. Jacobsen of Stralsund University in Germany discusses the benefits and challenges of interregional and cross-border place branding in Europe.