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Eva Jilkén on How to Attract Talent to the Countryside: Example Landsbyggare in Sweden

Eva Jilkén shares how the concept of Landsbygarre has helped the scenic countryside of the High Coast of Sweden to attract talent and driven entrepreneurs ready to enjoy a laid-back lifestyle close to nature.

Nordic Place Branding Conference 2020 Webinar – Reflections

Reflections on the Nordic Place Branding conference webinar which took place April 2nd, with Greg Clark, Simon Anholt as key speakers, with case presentations on Utrecht, Ireland and Landsbyggare.

Sneak Preview: Nordic Place Branding Conference 2020 in Oslo, Norway

Nordic Place Branding Conference 2020 is taking place in Oslo, Norway, April 2nd. We caught up with Future Place Leadership's Pärtel-Peeter Pere who tells us who should attend and why - how those in charge of fdi and talent attraction, place branding and destination branding will benefit.

What’s It Like Being a Digital Nomad in Stockholm, Sweden?

How good is Stockholm for digital nomads and e-ployees? Stockholm resident and globetrotter Julian Stubbs looks at the pros and cons of living in Sweden's capital.

Cecilia Cassinger on Place Branding, Strategic Communication and Urban Sustainability

Cecilia Cassinger of Lund University in Sweden in this interview discusses place branding as a strategic communication practice, its social implications and potential to support urban sustainability.

The Nordic Wave in Place Branding | New Book

Cecilia Cassinger, Andrea Lucarelli and Szilvia Gyimóthy introduce us to "The Nordic Wave in Place Branding" - a new book just published by Edward Elgar Publishing. Read what Nordic place branding is all about and how it differs from other approaches.
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