Martín Larre on Uruguay Being a Good Place for Investors
Serial entrepreneur Martín Larre in this interview tells us why he moved to Montevideo, Uruguay, and how his experience has been so far in the country. He also shares his view on what makes Uruguay a good place for investors and tech start-ups.
Pablo Brenner on How PuntaTech Has Become the Meeting Place for IT in Uruguay
Pablo Brenner in this interview discusses the benefits of choosing Uruguay as place for IT start-ups and tells us how the annual networking event PuntaTech Meetup in Punta del Este has grown from a small gathering of friends to a flagship event attended by more than 1000 professionals across the region.
Jorge Silveira Noble on Uruguay Being a Good Country for Tech Start-Ups
Jorge Silveira Noble, CEO of the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU), in this interview tells us how the institution attracts and supports entrepreneurs and tech start-ups.
Myriam Gómez of Marca Chile on Country Branding Strategies
Myriam Gómez in this interview discusses Chile's approach to country branding and illustrates how Marca Chile collaborates with the nation's economic development agency and its diplomatic missions.
Larissa Perdomo on Brand Uruguay and Country Branding
Interview with Larissa Perdomo, Director of Country Brand Uruguay XXI, on Brand Uruguay and how the South American nation approaches country branding.
Medellín – City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation
Explore Medellín's economic performance, its sustainability, city brand strength and reputation, according to international rankings.