Strategy, together with vision, is surely the most important ingredient for successful place branding and the creation of strong reputation and brands for cities, regions, destinations. Learn more about strategy in this collection of tips, insights and expert advice for place brand professionals.
Top 5 City Branding Case Studies and Examples To Learn From: How They Do It
Here's our top five of city branding case studies and examples published by The Place Brand Observer so far. City branding strategies to learn from.
3 Nation Branding Pitfalls Country Branding Professionals Should Avoid
Aparna Dutt Sharma discusses three nation branding pitfalls - challenges which country branding professionals frequently encounter in their attempts to position their country favorably in the eyes of potential investors, visitors and global talent.
8 City Marketing Trends and Developments to Watch
City marketing practice is undergoing significant changes. Here eight trends in 2017, as suggested in the book titled Städte als Marken: Herausforderungen und Horizonte (Cities as Brands: Challenges and Perspectives).
Peter Pirck on City Branding Practices and Trends in Germany
Peter Pirck of German consultancy Brandmeyer Markenberatung reflects on city branding trends in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and discusses ways to measure the economic impact and success of place branding initiatives.
How Place Branding Can Support the Sustainable Development of Cities, Regions and Destinations
Snapshot of expert views on on how place branding and marketing can support the sustainability and sustainable development of cities, regions and destinations.
5 Reasons Why Advertising Is Not Enough for Destination Branding Success
Here's why relying on advertising alone won't lead to destination branding success. Marcus Osborne outlines the importance of a proper place brand strategy.