
Anna Gissler on How Stockholm Business Region Leads in Talent Attraction

In this interview Anna Gissler, Acting CEO of Stockholm Business Region (with the two subsidiaries Visit Stockholm and Invest Stockholm) shares her thoughts on success factors, challenges and trends in city branding - which, as she says, really isn't about logos or slogans.

Helena Renström on How to Use City Branding for Investment Attraction

Helena Renström, marketing manager of Skellefteå municipality in Sweden in this interview tells us how this small Swedish community managed to attract the country's largest battery plant. She also reflects on why place branding has to be linked to place development, and which pitfalls city brand managers should avoid.

Efe Sevin on Exurban Place Branding Opportunities, Brand America and the American Dream

Efe Sevin in this interview discusses exurban place branding opportunities, city brand strategies and differences in public diplomacy approaches in the US, Turkey and Sweden. He also shares his thoughts on Brand America and the American Dream.

Olle Zetterberg on Stockholm Business Region Marketing and Branding

Olle Zetterberg in this interview discusses the challenges and sucesses of branding the Stockholm Business Region, talent attraction and city marketing trends - and pitfalls to avoid.

Julian Stubbs on City Branding of Liverpool, Stockholm, Place Marketing Challenges and Trends

Julian Stubbs discusses the maturing practice of place branding, the case of Stockholm, destination and city marketing trends, challenges and developments, and the Liverpool Place Branding event 2018.

Nordic Place Branding Conference, Copenhagen March 2018: Highlights

Summary of the Nordic Place Branding conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2018, covering topics such as talent attraction strategies, brand management and destination marketing ideas.
