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Ali Fisher on Big Data, Networks, Public Diplomacy and Country Image

Ali Fisher, Principal Data Scientist at VORTEX (University of Vienna) and CPD Research Fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (University of Southern California), about big data, new networks and the resulting opportunities - and challenges - for public diplomacy professionals.

Ron Kitchens of Southwest Michigan First on Economic Development and Place Branding

Interview with Ron Kitchens of SouthWest Michigan First, on economic development, the future of U.S. cities, and his passion for people and leadership.

David Gertner, Pace University, on Strategic Place Marketing

Pace University Associate Professor David Gertner in this interview discusses strategic place marketing, place branding research and its challenges and opportunities.

Nadia Kaneva on Nation Branding Research and Approaches

Nadia Kaneva of University of Denver shares her thoughts on nation branding research and practice and has tips for graduates in strategic communication and international relations.

John Cooper of Yakima Valley Tourism on Destination Marketing Strategies

Yakima Valley Tourism CEO John Cooper reflects on the future of destination marketing organizations, destination branding and his professional journey.

How to Brand a New Housing Development: Case Study Hudson Woods, New York

Case study by NYC-based Studio Sanderson on how to brand a housing development and create a sense of place, example Hudson Woods, New York.
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