Insights & Advice

Why Place Branding Is (Still) Not About Logos and Slogans

Robert Govers on why place branding is not just about creating catchy slogans and logos, which are only one part of city or destination branding strategy.

5 Place Branding Principles for Successful Brand Development and Management

Get to know the five place branding principles to guide the successful brand development or management for cities, regions, destinations, countries or nations.

Recommended Books on Place Branding

Explore our collection of books on the art and practice of place branding, from leading scholars and practitioners around the world. Hand-picked by The Place Brand Observer's editorial team.

Country Brand Rankings – What’s the Point?

Article on country branding rankings and indices, and their use for investors, tourism and economic development professionals.

Why Germany First in 2014 Nation Brands Index Is Good News

Summary and thoughts on result of Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index 2014: Reasons and implications of Germany as most admired country and nation brand.

Japan, Switzerland and Germany Lead Country Brand Index 2014

Japan, Switzerland, Germany have the strongest country brands, according to Country Brand Index 2014. But what makes a strong country brand? Some answers.

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