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Thoughts on Nation Branding as Concept and Theory

Jay Wang, Director of the USC Center of Public Diplomacy, shares his views on nation branding - definitions, concepts, theory.

Ethics And Why We Need To Rebrand Branding

Josh Jost ethics and identity consultant in London, reflects on ethics and why we need to rebrand branding, or at least think twice about how we approach brands and branding.

South Africa: Storytelling for Responsible Tourism

South Africa uses storytelling in its destination marketing to support inclusive tourism - great video and example for sustainability in place branding.

Cities of Opportunity – Where Sustainability Thrives

PwC Cities of Opportunity report shows Sydney, Stockholm, Paris, Berlin, San Francisco, Toronto lead in liveability, according to expats.

Wally Olins On Nations As Brands

Can nations be brands? How does nation branding affect nationhood? Video and thoughts by the late Wally Olins.
- Place Brand Leaders 2024 Yearbook -spot_img

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