Brand Building

Differentiating the Place Brand: Insights from the Revived Gold Coast (Australia) City Brand Story

Amelia Green reflects on the role of city brand storytellers in place branding, and illustrates how storytelling can be enhanced by local media, such as in the case of Blank GC, reviving the Gold Coast city brand story.

Public-Private Spaces: How Cafés Could Inspire Place Branding

Amelia Green explores how cafés, dancing the divide between private and public space, could inspire place branding in Australia and beyond.

The Value of Fluid and Dense Place Brandscapes

How fluid and dense place brandscapes can support city brand co-creation - Amelia Green of Griffith University (Australia) investigates.

Graffiti, Place Brand Authenticity and Creative Placemaking

Is commissioning graffiti authentic? And how can it support city brands? Amelia Green examines graffiti from a place branding perspective, with examples from Manila and Australia.

Richard Florida on Creative Cities and Economic Development

City brands and the making, management and communication of a city's strongest assets in the eyes of potential residents, visitors, investors and students, has been a key occupation of economic development professionals all over the world. Richard Florida explains why the Creative Classes are so important in achieving city strength and a competitive position.

Andy Pike on Place Brands and Regional Development

Andy Pike, Director of the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) at Newcastle University in the UK explains how the concept of "Origination" serves as link between local and regional development and place brands.
