City Branding
City branding can be complex, messy and quite a challenge, but in a globalized, ultra-connected world it is also becoming increasingly important. The following articles offer expert insights, case studies and essential information for city branding professionals and researchers, including thoughts on city image and reputation rankings.
Bridging the Language Barrier: A Chinese Place Branding Literature Review from 1996 to 2018
How has place branding in China developed over the years? What can the rest of the world learn from China? Find out from Bowen Zhang in this research insight.
Auckland City Branding Success Story – Place Brand Leaders Podcast Episode Six
Learn about Auckland's city branding success story in this sixth episode of the Place Brand Leaders podcast, an interview with Shelley Watson and Clare Barker of Auckland Unlimited.
Place Branding 2021: Key Priorities and Trends to Watch
Place branding 2021: which topicsm, trends and priorities should place brand managers look out for as we approach recovery from COVID-19? World's leading place reputation and community identity experts share their thoughts.
Onur Eryüce on How City Diplomacy is Helping Izmir Build its Global Influence and Soft Power
Onur Eryüce on how Izmir in Turkey is practicing city diplomacy, and the benefits of open data and collaboration among cities for strengthening urban sustainable development.
How Covid-19 Will Change Place Branding Priorities for Cities and Countries
How the branding of cities and countries after Covid-19 will differ from before the pandemic: expert panel outlines new place branding priorities and strategies.
Emma Björner on Sustainable Tourism and Place Branding
Emma Björner shares her insights on city branding practices in China and how to involve relevant stakeholders meaningfully into place branding and sustainable tourism initiatives.