Consultancy forms part of most place branding projects, and rightly so, considering the complex nature of developing a place brand strategy, implementing it and managing the brand of a city, region or destination over time. Below articles bring you consultancy insights, tips and expert advice, such as how to select the right place brand consultant.
FutureBrand Hispanic America – Company Profile
Meet FutureBrand Hispanic America - the agency specialized in country branding and marketing, based in Buenos Aires and Santiago, Chile.
Soydanbay Consulting
Every place has a story. And every place has to tell a story. At Soydanbay Consulting we uncover the narrative of a place by...
Natasha Grand on Creating Place Identity
Natasha Grand of the Institute for Identity (INSTID), on place identity creation as tool to guide locals to their greater purpose, and to unlock their self-esteem. Learn why place identity work will be needed even more in a post-industrial world.
Gonzalo Brujó on Place Branding Strategies and Factors Determining Brand Strength
Gonzalo Brujó of Interbrand Consultancy, about how to measure the effectiveness and ROI of place branding, and the value of country brands.
7 Tips on How to Choose a Place Brand Consultant
7 tips for place marketers and brand managers on how to choose a branding consultant for your city, region, country or destination.