country brands
Learn about latest country brand insights, country image and reputation rankings – trends and analysis for country brand managers. You might also be interested in our articles on country branding and our overview of place brand rankings and indices.
Daniel Valverde on Costa Rica’s Country Branding Strategy
Daniel Valverde Bagnarello on Costa Rica's country branding strategy and how the nation is successfully linking its brand proposition with values of sustainability and climate emergency mitigation.
Jason McGrath on Measuring the Perceptions and Brands of Cities and Countries
Jason McGrath of Ipsos on how cities and countries can determine and improve their brand and reputation; the importance of sustainability and how to communicate well in times of crisis.
The Good Country Equation by Simon Anholt: Why You Should Read This Book
The Good Country Equation: How We Can Repair the World in One Generation is the latest book by Simon Anholt. Here's why you should read it.
Best Countries 2020 Study by U.S. News: Country Reputation Leaders & Losers
Country perception: which countries lead in the Best Countries 2020 study? Which are losing ground? Deidre McPhillips, Data Editor at U.S. News, shares key findings.
Tessa Jacques Antoine on Investment Opportunities, Talent Attraction and Brand Haïti
Tessa Jacques Antoine in this interview shares the story of Haïti, its country branding and how the small island state is working towards attracting investors and talent.
Sithembile Ntombela on How South Africa Approaches Destination Marketing and Nation Branding
Sithembile Ntombela in this interview introduces us to South Africa's approach to destination marketing and nation branding. Learn about South Africa's economic and social reality, investment opportunities and how Brand South Africa works towards strengthening a shared national identity.