Europe as region and continent is by far the most active with regard to place branding. Learn about latest research insights, analysis and trends linked to the image, reputation and branding of Europe: the development, management and brand positioning of the European continent and Europe as region.
Overtourism in European Cities: Study Reveals Root Causes, Consequences and Possible Solutions
Ko Koens of NHTV Breda University discusses findings of a recent study on overtourism in major European cities, the root causes, consequences and feasible solutions.
Nicolas Bideau on Brand Switzerland, Nation Branding and Culinary Diplomacy
Ambassador Nicolas Bideau, Head of Presence Switzerland, in this interview shares his thoughts on Brand Switzerland, nation branding strategies and culinary diplomacy.
How Transparency Impacts Place Attractiveness: Example Switzerland
How transparency impacts place attractiveness is the topic of this research insight into Brand Switzerland, by Renaud Vuignier and Vincent Mabillard of IDHEAP, the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration at the University of Lausanne.
Michael Persson Gripkow of Visit Sweden on Country Brands and Destination Marketing in the Digital Era
Nation branding and destination marketing in the digital era are some of the topics which Michael Persson Gripkow of Visit Sweden discusses in this interview.
How Incredible India and the Reputation of London Led Me to PhD in Place Branding
Shalini Bisani tells us how the "Incredible India" marketing campaign and the reputation of London led her to pursue a PhD in Place Branding in the UK.
8 City Marketing Trends and Developments to Watch
City marketing practice is undergoing significant changes. Here eight trends in 2017, as suggested in the book titled Städte als Marken: Herausforderungen und Horizonte (Cities as Brands: Challenges and Perspectives).