
Nigel Morgan on Destination Brands, Brexit, and Sporting Events

Nigel Morgan in this interview shares his thoughts on destination brands, the United Kingdom, Wales and the importance of sporting events for places and their brands.

BREXIT: Consequences for UK Country Image, Nation Brand and Europe

Brexit and its consequences: World's leading experts in country image and nation brands on what Brexit means for the United Kingdom and Europe.

Inga Hlín Pálsdóttir on Destination Branding and Iceland

Inga Hlin Palsdottir, Director at Promote Iceland, about her experiences of promoting Iceland as destination and developing the country's nation brand positioning.

Chris Fair on the Branding and Marketing of Cities and Destinations

Interview with Chris Fair, President of Resonance Consultancy in New York, on destination branding and city marketing trends and challenges.

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela on Barcelona, City Branding and Public Diplomacy in Catalonia, Spain

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela of Universitat de Vic - University of Central Catalonia in this interview discusses city and nation branding, using the examples of Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain.

Martin Boisen on City Branding, Marketing and Place Management

Martin Boisen reflects on his career as city branding scholar and advisor and shares his thoughts on the evolving field of place branding and marketing.
