Germany: Place brand insights and thoughts on the German nation brand, Germany’s country branding, reputation and positioning as country-of-origin.
Thorsten Kausch on Hamburg, MICE and the Future of City Marketing
Thorsten Kausch, Hamburg, discusses the changing role of city marketing, how urban sustainability imapcts the attractiveness of cities as MICE destinations.
How the German City of Bielefeld Used Participatory City Branding Strategies for its Rebranding
Learn how the German city of Bielefeld used participatory city branding strategies for its rebranding and for building a strong city brand which allows it to connect residents with businesses and visitors.
8 City Marketing Trends and Developments to Watch
City marketing practice is undergoing significant changes. Here eight trends in 2017, as suggested in the book titled Städte als Marken: Herausforderungen und Horizonte (Cities as Brands: Challenges and Perspectives).
Peter Pirck on City Branding Practices and Trends in Germany
Peter Pirck of German consultancy Brandmeyer Markenberatung reflects on city branding trends in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and discusses ways to measure the economic impact and success of place branding initiatives.
2017 Country Reputation Ranking: Leaders, Highlights and Trends
Country reputation study 2017: Nicolas Georges Trad shares key findings of RepTrak ranking and reflects on changes in country reputation over the last years.
Gert-Jan Hospers on Urban and Regional Development and Place Marketing
Geography Professor Gert-Jan Hospers of the Netherlands discusses the challenges of marketing former industrial cities and using place branding to beat demographic shrinkage.