place brand theory
The purpose of our collection of posts linked to place brand theory is to help you understand key concepts relevant for place brand professionals, such as economic development, placemaking or public diplomacy. If there is any specific concept you’d like us to look into, please feel free to email us.
The Nordic Wave in Place Branding | New Book
Cecilia Cassinger, Andrea Lucarelli and Szilvia Gyimóthy introduce us to "The Nordic Wave in Place Branding" - a new book just published by Edward Elgar Publishing. Read what Nordic place branding is all about and how it differs from other approaches.
Place Branding Research Priorities 2019: Key Questions and Knowledge Gaps
Which are the place branding research priorities in 2019? Which questions and topics should researchers address? Our panel of place brand specialists has answers.
How Does Social Media Affect Place Brands? Opportunities and Risks
How do social media affect the brand of a country, city or destination? Most of us use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & co. but not...
Public Vs. Private Sector Branding Explained: Similarities and Differences
Which are the differences and similarities between public and private sector branding? Our international panel of place branding specialists has answers.
What Is A Brand – And What It Is Not: Branding Explained
What is a brand? Our panel of place brand specialists concurs that brands are much more than logos, design styles or taglines (all of which are becoming less important now). A must read for anyone involved with branding.
How Do Emotions Influence Place Branding Success?
What role do emotions play in place branding? How important are they for its success? Here the views of place brand experts around the world.