
Thebe Ikalafeng on the Branding and Reputation of Africa

Intriguing interview with Brand Africa 'guru' Thebe Ikalafeng who shares his thoughts on the branding and reputation of the African continent.

2015 City Brands Index – Reputation Ranking by Anholt-Gfk Roper

2015 edition of the city brands index by Anholt-Gfk Roper sees Paris top, before London and New York City. Our summary of the biannual reputation ranking.

City Reputation Rankings: Four Cities We Love For Their Sustainability

Learn about city reputation rankings linked to sustainability: Copenhagen, Stockholm, Vienna, Vancouver world's 'greenest' and most reputable cities.

Fernando Prado on Place Brands and the Reputation of Cities and Countries

Fernando Prado in this interview discusses the importance of place reputation, the benefits of place branding and its links with reputation management.

City Reputation Ranking 2015 – World’s Strongest City Brands

City Reputation Ranking 2015 - Reputation Institute's Fernando Prado on this year's strongest city brands, trends and the City RepTrak methodology.

Thoughts on Country Brand India – National Image and Reputation

Nation branding expert Aparna Sharma shares her thoughts on the country brand India, its national image and reputation as manufacturer and service provider.
