
David Gertner, Pace University, on Strategic Place Marketing

Pace University Associate Professor David Gertner in this interview discusses strategic place marketing, place branding research and its challenges and opportunities.

Leaders in Place Brand Strategy – CityNationPlace Awards 2015

Learn about award-winning place brand strategy of Oslo Region, London, the Croatian Tourist Board and Ireland - winners of the 2015 CityNationPlace awards.

How to Develop a City Brand Strategy – Example Mississauga in Canada

Get behind-the-scenes information and useful insights into how to develop a city brand strategy in this case study on the city branding of Mississauga in Ontario, Canada.

Jeremy Hildreth, the Indiana Jones of Branding

Jeremy Hildreth, "the Indiana Jones of Branding" in this interview discusses his work as place brand consultant and shares his thoughts on Simon Anholt and Wally Olins.

Place Branding Case Study: Developing a Brand Strategy for London Bridge, UK

Case study on the brand development for the London Bridge neighborhood, by place branding strategy consultant Malcolm Allan and Place Marketing Manager Donald Campbell.

7 Success Factors for Effective Place Brand Partnerships

Guest post by Barcelona branding expert Juan Carlos Belloso on how to create + maintain effective place brand partnerships - success factors and principles.
