Insights & Advice

Saffron City Brand Barometer 2020: Key Insights on Tourism Brand Leaders and Laggards

Ben Knapp of Saffron Consultants shares the key findings and insights from the 2020 edition of the Saffron City Brand Barometer, measuring appeal and reputation of city destinations.

John Strelecky on How Finding Your True Purpose as City or Destination Will Lead to Success

John Strelecky shares how finding and focusing on their true purpose will help cities, regions or destinations succeed with attracting talent, investors or visitors.

Soft Power of Countries and Nations: Why It Matters and How to Measure It

Soft power specialists Brand Finance share key insights from a recent white paper on the importance of soft power, leading nations and how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting perceptions.

COVID-19 and Peace: New Report Highlights Economic Impact and Implications for Nation Brands

New report reveals how COVID-19 is impacting state of peace around the world, and what it means for national economies and nation brand value.

Destination Sustainability: How to Make Your Host Community Tourism-Friendly

How destination marketers and tourism managers can persuade their communities to welcome tourists again, after the coronavirus pandemic.

Best Countries 2020 Study by U.S. News: Country Reputation Leaders & Losers

Country perception: which countries lead in the Best Countries 2020 study? Which are losing ground? Deidre McPhillips, Data Editor at U.S. News, shares key findings.

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