Insights & Advice

2017 Country Reputation Ranking: Leaders, Highlights and Trends

Country reputation study 2017: Nicolas Georges Trad shares key findings of RepTrak ranking and reflects on changes in country reputation over the last years.

5 Reasons Why Advertising Is Not Enough for Destination Branding Success

Here's why relying on advertising alone won't lead to destination branding success. Marcus Osborne outlines the importance of a proper place brand strategy.

Place Branding Expert Panel

Leading place brand professionals around the world answer questions linked to the brand development and management of cities, regions, countries and destinations.

Events as City Branding Opportunity: 4 Things Small Cities Need to Avoid

Can events support the city branding of small cities? Yes, argues Christian Dragin-Jensen, if city officials manage to avoid four common pitfalls. With examples from Denmark.

Future of DMOs: Why and How City Destination Marketing Organizations Should Reinvent Themselves

How city destination marketing organizations (DMOs) reinvent themselves, and why, is the focus of this guest post by Peter Jordan of Toposophy consultancy.

Why Placemaking and Place Branding Should Work Hand in Hand – Through Experience Masterplanning

Closer collaboration between placemaking and place branding is the argument presented in this guest post by Malcolm Allan, Jeannette Hanna and Roger Hobkinson, who introduce us to the concept of Experience Masterplanning.

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