Insights & Advice

How to Teach Place Branding at University

Teaching Place Branding at University: Efe Sevin shares his experience of setting up a course on place branding within his university's communications department - no easy task!

Putting Place Branding in its Place (as an Academic Discipline)

Efe Sevin serves as our Academic Observer this semester. In this post, Efe discusses whether place branding research deserves to be treated as a stand-alone academic discipline.

How to Use Place Brand Rankings

Place brand expert Svetlana Masjutina on how to use place brand rankings and reputation indices. Useful tips for city, destination, nation brand managers.

Tackling Urban Development Challenges – The Metro Matrix Method

Population growth means pressure for urban centers. Svetlana Masjutina presents the Metro Matrix method by Pedro Orbiz as one way to tackle the urban development challenge.

How Nation Branding can Accelerate National Competitiveness and FDI

India place brand equity expert Aparna Sharma shares thoughts on how nation branding can help national competitiveness and attraction of foreign investment.

National Prosperity Explained: The 2015 Legatum Prosperity Index

Learn about national prosperity around the world and the Legatum Prosperity Index 2015 in this guest post by place brand expert Svetlana Masjutina.

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