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Research Updates

City Branding and Media Portrayal of Chinese Mega-Cities

Research insights by Emma Björner and Efe Sevin on city branding and media portrayal of mega-cities in China.

Research Insight: Key City Branding Challenges in Europe

Summary of research by Teemu Moilanen on key city branding challenges in Europe, a paper published in the Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Journal.

10 Years of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Research

A short reflection on 10 years of the Place Branding and Public Diplomacy journal and summary of the three most popular research articles.

Branding a Stateless Nation: Public Diplomacy Strategy of Catalonia

How to represent and promote a stateless nation internationally? Case study on nation branding, cultural and public diplomacy strategy of Catalonia (Spain).

7 Place Branding and Marketing Research Priorities for 2015

Overview of the seven place branding and marketing research priorities identified by the Best Place - European Place Marketing Institute.

More Money – And Other Findings From Latest Place Branding Survey

Summary of key findings from 2014 place branding survey among place marketing and economic development professionals, by City Nation Place (Hubbub).
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