New Zealand: The Intriguing Story of a Destination Brand

During the last two weeks we published a series of articles about the origins and impressive success of New Zealand’s ‘clean, green’ country image and ‘100% Pure’ destination branding – all based on my doctoral thesis at University of Waikato’s Department of Management Communication, which I submitted in 2014.

For those interested in the branding and reputation of destinations, New Zealand is an intriguing case.

Country reputation: origins and meaning of ‘clean, green’ New Zealand

In this first post of the series, learn about the origins and meaning of ‘clean, green’ New Zealand, and how this ‘place myth’ has shaped the country’s brand positioning and national identity. Read here

Destination brand: origins and success of ‘100% Pure New Zealand’

It is thanks to New Zealand’s country reputation as ‘clean and green’, that ‘100% Pure New Zealand‘ had the chance to become one of the most successful and highly regarded destination branding campaigns in modern history. But how did it all start? Find out in this summary of literature on the origins and success of the 100% Pure New Zealand campaign.

Place brand equity: economic value of ‘clean, green’ New Zealand

One of the hottest topics in place branding is how to determine the return on investment (ROI) and economic impact of initiatives aimed at creating a unique and competitive brand positioning for a city, region or destination. ‘Clean, green’ New Zealand is a telling example of how economically valuable a national image and destination brand can become. Here’s the link

Place brand credibility: example ‘clean, green’ and ‘100 Percent Pure’ New Zealand

Place brand credibility is the topic of this fourth post on New Zealand’s country image and destination branding. ‘Clean, green’ and ‘100% Pure New Zealand’ are telling examples of how difficult it is to develop a brand proposition based on environmental values, and to ensure its credibility despite changes in political leadership and priorities, and business interests not aligned with the brand. Find out more here.

Assessing place brand credibility: media coverage of ‘clean, green’ and ‘100% Pure’ New Zealand

How credible, how vulnerable? This last post of the series summarizes research conducted to assess place brand credibility in the case of ‘clean, green’ and ‘100% Pure’ New Zealand, among world’s most admired and longest running destination branding campaigns. Read here.

Florian Kaefer
Florian Kaefer

Dr. Florian Kaefer is a globally recognized expert in strategic place branding and sustainable development, with over a decade of experience engaging with more than 500 top professionals in these fields. Based in Switzerland, he is the founder and publisher of The Place Brand Observer through his firm, Käfer Place Insights & Publishing, which also publishes Sustainability Leaders United—the leading platform on sustainable tourism excellence.

Book Florian as a speaker for your event.

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