
Stuart Speirs on the Power of Events and Place Branding in Australia

Stuart Speirs on how events can positively impact the place branding efforts of a city or country - with examples from Australia.

The Place Economy Volume Two: A New Style of Placemaking Is Shaking Up Community Development Around the World

The Place Economy, Volume 2 - the long awaited second book of a series of three is now available. Andrew Hoyne in this interview shares how the art and practice of placemaking and place branding has changed since publishing The Place Economy number one.

4 Things Australia Can Teach Asia in City Branding – And Vice Versa

Christopher Hire on city branding and urban development in Australia and Asia, and what Australian and Asian cities can learn from each other.

World Happiness Report 2017: In Which Countries Live World’s Happiest People?

According to the World Happiness Report 2017, people in Norway feel the happiest, closely followed by Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland.

Why Successful Placemaking Needs A Meaningful Brand, Not A Mere Logo

Placemaking specialist Andrew Hoyne on why successful place development needs a meaningful brand and not a mere logo, with case studies from Australia.

Andrew Hoyne on Placemaking and Branding Trends in Australia

Andrew Hoyne discusses how placemaking, design and putting people first can help establish meaningful and profitable places, with examples from Australia.
