City Branding
City branding can be complex, messy and quite a challenge, but in a globalized, ultra-connected world it is also becoming increasingly important. The following articles offer expert insights, case studies and essential information for city branding professionals and researchers, including thoughts on city image and reputation rankings.
Brand Singapore: Nation Branding After Lee Kuan Yew, In A Divisive World – Book Review
Review of Brand Singapore: Nation Branding after Lee Kuan Yew, in a Divisive World by Buck Song Koh. Essential reading for place branding professionals.
Events as City Branding Opportunity: 4 Things Small Cities Need to Avoid
Can events support the city branding of small cities? Yes, argues Christian Dragin-Jensen, if city officials manage to avoid four common pitfalls. With examples from Denmark.
Fred Dixon on New York City Branding and Reputation Management
Fred Dixon in this interview shares his thoughts on city branding, place identity and reputation management of New York City.
Cities of Influence: Talent Attraction Winners and Priorities in Europe
Roger Hobkinson of Colliers International discusses European cities, talent attraction leaders and the priorities for city developers and brand managers.
Irina Shafranskaya on City Happiness and Place Branding in Russia
Irina Shafranskaya shares her thoughts on city branding practice in Russia, current place branding trends, city happiness and sustainable urban development.
How Hamburg Moved from Traditional Destination Marketing to Strategic City Branding
How Hamburg moved from traditional destination marketing to strategic city branding. Thorsten Kausch reflects on the challenges and lessons learned.