City Branding
City branding can be complex, messy and quite a challenge, but in a globalized, ultra-connected world it is also becoming increasingly important. The following articles offer expert insights, case studies and essential information for city branding professionals and researchers, including thoughts on city image and reputation rankings.
How a Place Brand Balance Sheet Can Help to Measure City Branding Impact: Example Horsens, Denmark
How to measure city branding success? Ole Have Jørgensen shares his experience of working with the city of Horsens in Denmark, especially how a place brand balance sheet can help determine return on investment of place branding initiatives.
How Antioch in Northern California Became the City of Opportunity | A Rebranding Story
Why and how the Northern Californian city of Antioch went through a rebranding process: a city branding case study told be David Kippen, co-founder and director of Evviva Brands.
Hong Fan on City Branding in China, Image Research and Public Diplomacy
Hong Fan, professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing and Director of the National Image Research Center, in this interviews shares her research insights into city branding in China and her observations on what works and what doesn’t in place branding, in the Chinese context.
Piotr Lutek on Place Branding in Poland: Challenges, Success Strategies and Trends
Piotr Lutek of Synergia in Lublin in this interview discusses the current state of place marketing and branding in Poland and Eastern Europe, and shares his thoughts on city branding trends, challenges and success strategies.
Sustainability as Place Brand Position: Research Insights from Thailand
Research update on sustainability as place brand position in urban Thailand, the importance of sustainability in place branding and the challenges.
Ruya Yuksel on Why City Branding Needs to Team Up with Urban Sociology
Ruya Yuksel in this interview looks at city branding from an urban sociology point of view, reminds us of the role of identity with place brands, and explains why consistency and long-term thinking are the key to success.