
Media Coverage of Clean, Green and 100% Pure New Zealand

Summary of research conducted for assessing place brand credibility in the case of 'clean, green' and '100% Pure' New Zealand destination brand positioning.

Place Brand Credibility: Example New Zealand

When place brand credibility and legitimacy are challenged: learn about the case of 'clean, green' and '100% Pure' New Zealand.

Origins and Meaning of ‘Clean, Green’ New Zealand

In this example of country reputation, learn about the origins and meaning of 'clean, green' New Zealand, and how this place myth has shaped the country's brand positioning, its image and national identity.

Book Review of Places: Identity, Image and Reputation by Simon Anholt

Review of the book Places: Identity, Image and Reputation by Simon Anholt. Summary of key points and the author's view on place branding.

Why Social Media Buzz Cannot Replace Place Branding

Back in 2013, Robert Govers published an interesting blog post on the now inactive Placebrandz website, in which he reflected on an exchange of ideas and arguments regarding social media and place branding that followed a conference. The post offered valuable insights, well worth sharing.

Country Reputation: Sweden Tops 2016 RepTrak Ranking

2016 RepTrak Ranking: Sweden tops annual Country Reputation survey by Reputation Institute. Learn how this perception study works and which countries benefit from a favorable image abroad.
